United Arab Emirates University
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering is concerned with the manufacturing of products from laboratory bench-scale testing to full production through deep knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical reaction kinetics, equipment design, plant design, process dynamics and control as well as process safety, economics, and management. It has an impact on essentially everything on our daily life from food processing to producing pharmaceutical drugs, generating fuels and even the manufacturing of silicon chips and other microelectronics. At the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, we strive to help students see how a Chemical Engineering degree can accomplish their dreams and we establish the means to make it happen. The Chemical Engineering undergraduate program in the College of Engineering at the United Arab Emirates University is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. For more details on this program, click here.
Program Objectives
- PEO-1: Have successful careers in various fields related to chemical engineering and have leadership roles in industry/organizations.
- PEO-2: Demonstrate high level of professionalism, commitment to ethical and social responsibility, and desire for life-long learning.
- PEO-3: Demonstrate innovative solutions for the industry through creative thinking.
- PEO-4: Pursue advanced degrees and careers in engineering, academia, research and development, or business.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:- Thorough grounding in chemistry, physics, biology, math and engineering subjects such as fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and reaction kinetics; and the ability to apply knowledge of these subjects in chemical engineering practice. (A)
- An ability to design and conduct different chemical engineering experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. (B)
- An ability to analyze, design, and control a system, component and/or process dealing with fluids handling, separation, and chemical/biochemical reactions to meet desired needs (C)
- An ability to work and interact effectively in groups/teams which have diverse personalities, cultures, and backgrounds. (D)
- Ability to identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems (E)
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (F)
- Ability to develop effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. (G)
- Ability to evaluate the potential risks, i.e. consequences and probabilities of engineering solutions which may affect society and the environment. (H)
- A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in independent-learning and life-long learning (I)
- A knowledge of contemporary issues (J)
- An ability to use of computer software such as spreadsheets, mathematics packages, word processors, and design packages in solution of chemical engineering problems. (K)
Required Credit Hours: minimum 147 hours