United Arab Emirates University
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
The horticultural sector is experiencing a remarkable growth in the UAE and other Gulf countries. New modern production sites emerged in many places, and formerly empty urban areas were transformed into vivid green landscapes. Experts able to develop resource-saving plant production concepts, and to properly evaluate prospects and risks pertaining to biotechnological and chemical innovations in the horticultural sector are highly demanded. The Bachelor in Horticulture offers a diverse curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with intensive practical training in cutting edge research laboratories, on experimental farms, and through off-campus internship experiences. The program encourages students to develop their talents and special interests, and supports them on their way to become creative experts in various fields of horticultural sciences, such as organic farming, plant protection, greenhouse and nursery management, landscaping, applied biotechnology, and several more.
Program Objectives
- Provide students with fundamental scientific information on production and protection of horticultural plants in the arid environment.
- Develop student’s skills to successfully grow a diversity of horticultural plants in a resource-efficient manner in arid environments.
- Enhance student’s ability to sustain natural resources of the country and the region, and improve the quality of the environment.
- Provide students with new knowledge on agricultural technologies related to the UAE and the Arab world.
- Develop student’s awareness of using modern scientific methods in agriculture and horticulture and technology transfer for field applications.
- Demonstrate student’s professional skills and ethics, to foster positive attitudes.